Sunday, October 31, 2010
CTFxC Does Washington DC On Halloween
Loved all the signs and costumes they spotted in the crowd. And one dude found them and gave his YouTube channel - arandomkindofthing (go give Shane a shout out from CTFxC!). Of course there was also that total DB who interrupted them to make a snide comment about liberals and their skin. Alli TOTALLY called it right with that guy. And did you see the guy wearing the Rorschach mask? I half expected him to say "Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon." lol.
Still the shots after dark were pretty cool too, with the Lincoln Memorial all lit up and Charles got a good quote from Lincoln: "Hey Charles! CTFxC FTW!" But they did meet up with a couple of youtubers, jeremyi and kxkevin12 - so give them a shout on their channels too. It was also interesting to see the spot where Martin Luther King Jr delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech. That's one thing about DC - massive history all over the place.
What do you think about their latest outro for their channel? I think it sounded awesome. It was done by Terabrite, so there's a link if you want to check out their channel.
DaveDays ~ "Turn Off The Lights" Song For Ecomagination Challenge
And yes, that was Kimmi (last seen in Dave's Olive You video) and Sammah of "Do It Float?" fame hidin' out in the shower. Actually, Dave credits Sammah and Cyr for doing the filming.
This looks like it may be part of the Ecomagination Challenge and you have to like Dave's style: "yeah, we gotta turn the lights off baby. Don't you wanna save the environment?"
And you can pick up the newest DaveDays song (and his others too) over at davedays/itunes (actually Dave's giving this one away for FREE and that link takes you to his website).
Tobuscus' Supernote & Toby Gets Some Sweet Lovin' From ST1RFRYTV
As expected, Toby did the unexpected. Doing his Supernote in his car and then hopping out and doing a walking vlog. He did his Supernote for Team Beard who it looks like will probably win the whole enchilada as it is down to it's last day and Team Beard is still in the lead (unless Shay Carl and his Shaytards Rebellionites can manage some last-minute heroics).
As well, he was recently featured by the boys over at ST1RFRYTV in their "YouTube Spotlight" which is a tip of the hat to Turner. Stirfry has also done spotlights on Charles Trippy and Alli Speed as well as the beardman himself, Wheezy Waiter, but this is Tobuscus' turn to shine. And now, by popular demand (well, one guy asked for him), ladies and gentlemen... Tobuscus!
iJustine As A Mermaid Vampire?
The Radio Shack dude didn't even seem to bat an eye at IJ when she asked for help looking for that cable. And loved the anguished looks to her sister Bree when he led her over to the cable section.
If you're looking for fangs
I have to say that I did laugh at iJustine trying to squirm in and out of that little mermaid costume and needing help from a kind stranger and Bree to manage the maneuver. LOL at the bug-eyed little girl at 9:07 staring at her when IJ broke out into song. Half expected her to whisper "C'mon Jimmy let's get outta here!"
And just in case you missed IJ's sister Jenna's video where she dresses up as a vampire with her friends...
The Station's 2 Picks For Awesome Channels You Should Be Watching
I've never heard of either of these two channels, so hats off to Joe and The Station for bringing them to our attention. This new feature is very clever on their part, but if you are subbed to Joe's channel, you know he has his insightful moments (I particularly love his political videos - need more of those Joe!) and he has been a great addition to the Station's crew in my opinion.
The first channel that they told us about is called thelittlefears who originate from Canada and currently have 1,955 subs but should be getting more. The only drawback is that although they have 32 videos posted on their channel, they haven't added anything new in 4 months. But it will take you some time to get through those 32 videos and maybe they can be convinced to upload more (subtle hint there). Take a look at one of their videos:
They also have a cool, spooky website called Creepy Pasta that you might want to check out.
The 2nd channel that Joe talks about is DamItsGood808 with Alex Farnham. You have to agree that he is a dead ringer for Jim Carrey from the Ace Ventura movies. Make sure you check out his other videos too. Definitely a thumbs up.
All I can say is well done by The Station for bringing these two channels to everyone's attention and look forward to seeing what they'll find next.
CTFxC: Alli & Melissa Descend On Washington For Stewart-Colbert Rally
Have to agree with uber-gay Michael with his assessment of Melissa being gorgous - she's always smiling too which is another of her attractive features. Hey, if you aren't subscribed to Melissa yet, her Youtube channel is mel and she now has over 53K subs!
As far as Alli and Melissa's DC trip, it is always interesting to see all those monuments and buildings. I've never been there (yet), but I have always wanted to see Washington, the White House, Congress and the Smithsonion. Don't know why, but the Lincoln Memorial has always intrigued me - with a humongous Abraham Lincoln sitting in a chair staring down at you. Have to get some pictures of that some day.
It looks like Charles wants to put together a mini-Youtube gathering when they are in Washington which is cool. The reason why Alli and Melissa were in Washington was for the Jon Stewart-Stephen Colbert Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear on Saturday afternoon on the National Mall in DC. Have to lol at Colbert for dressing up like Evil Kenevil.
Check out these great pictures from the Stewart-Colbert Rally.
If you are not subbed to Charles' iPhone channel on Youtube you probably missed these two videos. First, Charles visits the Washington Monument:
Second, Melissa slids down the stairs at the Lincoln Monument:
Here's where you can sub to Charles' iPhone Channel. Charles & Alli post short little clips on this side channel all the time, so if you are a dedicated CTFxCer, you're missing out if you aren't subbed here too.
Nanalew's Supernote For Team Stashe (With A Little Help)
The Supernote contest ends tonight at midnight (October 31st) so get on it people! Nanalew's was made for Meekakitty's Team Stashe. Were you as surprised as I was to see Mitchell Davis & Kyle Sibert aka livelavalive and well as the beardman himself, Wheezy Waiter. Although I think it will be Wheezy's year (unless Shay Carl can spur a last minute charge), I gotta give Nanalew props for sticking with Team Stashe even though they sit currently in 6th place - but that is also because Meekakitty has such fanatical followers. If you want to do a Supernote for Meekakitty, here's her video that you link to: TEAM STACHE! Supernote 2010.
Also, check out her channel! She has a great series called "Growing Up Granger" where she plays Hermione from the Harry Potter movies. And don't forget to stalk Nanalew on Twitter at @nanalew.
REALITYB1TES Hits 5,000 Subs
I subbed to him after seeing one of his earliest videos about Sleep Paralysis (his 2nd on this channel) where he did this super-creepy face morphing thing. You'll have to watch it because it is hard to describe (and was totally unexpected lol).
Lee has made a couple more videos since getting his 5,000th sub and now has 5,805 subscribers. He posts new videos just about every week or so and gets at least 1,000 views per video, and some have 4K-plus.
He describes himself as a "fun loving, quirky kind of guy" and that does come through in his videos. In his most recent video he talks about the panic in Singapore when there was a report of a bear roaming about, but it turned out to be just a dude in a bear suit doing a promotional video.
Supernote: Shay Carl & Wheezy Waiter Battling For Supremacy
Both Wheezy and Shay made last minute videos to try to bolster the troops and try to get this thing won and Shay came back from about 13,000 seconds behind to about 4,000 back, so I think it may be Wheezy's year, but it ain't over til the fat lady sings (although I hear her warming up). Check out Wheezy and Shay's pleas:
Submit your Supernote video response for Team Beard here: Team Beard
Submit your Supernote video response for the Shaytards Rebellionites here: Team Shaytards
Who has the longest Supernote this year?
It looks like truecolors911 has the longest Supernote for 2010 so good luck trying to beat her! She did it for Project LavaNote (LiveLavaLive) and clocked in at 148.2 seconds - that's almost 2 and a half minutes!.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
TheWillofDC: Winners & Losers Halloween 2010
The big winner this past week was DieAussenseiter a German YouTube channel that moved up from 80th to 77th place on the overall Top 100. "DieAussenseiter" translates into english as "The Outsider". This does show the growth of the international scope of YouTube and other channels using languages other than primarily English should take heart and receive some motivation to keep working to make more videos and channels in their native languages - there are audiences in every country that want great content in their own language. Below is a Halloween video from DieAussenseiter.
DieAussenseiter is made up of two German brothers: Alexander "Sascha" Koslowski and Dimitri "Dima" Koslowski and their channel now has 437K subscribers and 111 million views! Those are some solid numbers.
According to Will, the biggest loser seems to be therealdemilovato channel which garnered only 2,903 new subscribers over the last 2 weeks and fell to 49th place from 44th. It looks like Demi Lovato's in a new series called Sonny With A Chance (that seems like a re-run of 57 other Disney shows - hope that didn't sound too harsh). They've released a bunch of clips of the series on Demi's channel, but nothing truly unique content-wise, just more from the Disney machine. If you want to see a clip with Shaq, check it out:
Ray William Johnson Got 73,000 New Subscribers?!
Yes, Ray keeps on generating massive numbers in the subscriber race more than doubling Nigahiga's new subscribers 35,013 with RWJ getting 73,252 new subs. That is amazing. Last year when it was Shane Dawson pulling the big numbers, I'm pretty sure even Shane didn't get that many all at once. Ray William Johnson is still about 600,000 behind Nigahiga but Ray's gaining on him fast. It's probably only a matter of time before there's a new number one most subscribed on YouTube.
Also, Fred got passed by Shane Dawson for 3rd overall. Poor Fred who everyone loves to hate was once the big kahuna but he's slipping. His numbers are still solid, but Smosh is breathing down the little guy's neck (Anthony and Ian are about 100K behind Fred).
A couple of other big name Youtubers that Will didn't mention are sxephil and realannoyingorange who are neck and neck for 9th and 10th spots, with collegehumor and davedays both really, really close behind.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fail Friday With Phil DeFranco & Epic Sxephil Face Fails
Personally I would have to say sleepwalking shotgun dude (Phil didn't say whether or not he survived) over the wacky waiter with the mega-death hot sauce. I just checked and they do have the stuff on Amazon so I'll put up a link to it if you are brave enough to grab some of that liquid fire. When Phil was talking about this story, my mind went to the dirtiest place and thought "bodily fluid" (a collective "ewwww" goes up from my readership) but it was just the hot sauce from a bottle variety.
So, of the two fails, which do YOU think was the greater showing of total ineptness?
Plus - what do you think about the State Farm sponsorship of the video? Me, I have no real problem with it, but some viewers may think "Phil, buddy, you sold out to the man for just a few bucks?" and you would be entitled to your opinion. State Farm is a massive company and getting corporate sponsorship shows that there some acknowledgement of the size of DeFranco's audience - which is not something we usually see on YouTube.
Phil also mentions that there is a Facebook page that shows everyone's favorite Phil Face Fails, but the link he gave doesn't work. He'll probably fix it on monday's show. Or you could just check out Phil's Facebook Fan Page where you can get some updates on what sxephil is up to when he's not in your face on YouTube.
But to tide you over, below is a video you probably haven't seen of a bunch of epic face fails by Phil that was put up by EpicFaceFails. Enjoy.
And if that's not enough for you, check out their video of Ray William Johnson.
Shaytards: Shay Loves American Choppers & Carlie's Not A Lesbian
Shay has a new obsession: American Choppers and wants to get a Shaytards motorcycle. Can't you just picture it? With the Shaytards all painted on the gas tank and a big beard emblem across the handle bars lol.
Later we get to see Babytard watching herself on the computer and then she starts mugging for the camera just like Princesstard does! I think it is only a matter of time before she starts acting just like Princesstard which would be so funny to see. Shay's trying to talk to Katilette about the painting he mentioned in another vlog that he wanted Darryn from raeart to make for them. I'll include the video Shay was watching below.
That was just the first of three videos Darryn has made about the Shaytards painting, so if you want to see more of how he completes it, check out his channel. Plus he has done a Supernote video for the Shaytards Rebellionites - have you submitted a Supernote yet?
Later Shay and Mommytard are heading out to see the new movie Secretariat and Carlie (Shay's sister) is going to look after the tardlets. Katilette is wearing new jeans and Carlie mentions that she is planning on selling that style on a new YouTube channel she is thinking about. Shay mentions that Carlie had a channel (called CarlieSass, but now shut down) but had a hard time with the hateful comments from some viewers who took potshots at her for being a single mother and that she must be a lesbian (that's why Shay called this video "My Sisters Not A Lesbian!" lol). Carlie did stand up for herself and said that the haters could "bring it on" which was great.
All the viewers (including myself) left very supportive comments saying that she should ignore the trolls and charge ahead with her idea. When she does start this channel I'll subscribe on principle alone as she is a single mom and I like what she brings to the vlog when she appears. And it's not just because she's a hot blond cheerleader (okay, maybe partially lol) but like most true Shaytards fans, I like this family and will help them were I can - they give me and thousands of other viewers a humorous look into their daily lives for free, so that's a little bit of payback.
Later Shay and Mommytard are all alone in the movie theater and I thought for sure when they noticed they were alone that Shay would say "wanna make out?" to Mommytard.
In the last Shaytards video, Shay mentioned he might be attending a Toronto Ontario Youtube gathering and there is one on November 6th, 2010 at the Eatons Center at about 7pm, but I haven't received confirmation that this is the one Shay was talking about. If you know one way or the other, leave a note in the comments below.
An Annoying Orange Halloween
Ooh spooky! The ending was kinda messy. Grapefruit was played by Bob Jenz and Kevin Brueck was Kiwi (and Grandpa Lemon too). As always daneboe was Real Annoying Orange. What I like about Annoying Orange is that he usually has some outtakes where they mess up their lines. Take a look.
If you are unfamiliar with the Real Annoying Orange, the link at the top will take you to his channel so you can sub if you haven't already - Orange actually has 1.3 million subs and it looks like he will surpass Phil DeFranco's main channel for 9th spot on the Top 100 List as sxephil is only about 30,000 ahead of Danboe's Orange.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Shay Carl May Be Coming To Toronto & He May Be Bringing Buttermilk Biscuits
And what did you think about Babytard's singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star? I am a tough as nails kinda guy and that did "melt my heart" as Shay said. Katilette sang a few times on the vlog, but they should get Babytard doing some more singing. Hey, she's already on the cover of a famous musician's CD, get her on iTunes lol.
I think the funniest part was when Shay was driving the family home and did the "commercial" for Heritage Foods and Mommytard yelled at him for being gross and Shay said "We'll edit that part out" and sorta winked at the camera.
What do you think of Shay's passport dilemma? I've had the same thing with old drivers licenses and other picture ID that I just couldn't bare to part with. Should he hide it in a drawer and tell them he "lost" his passport? Wouldn't want him to get into trouble.
LinzLoves Does The Royal British Museum & Tower Of London
I am a huge history buff and love all the statues and history that permeates through the British Museum. Never been there myself, but maybe someday. Did you see the Rosetta Stone at about 4:22? That alone is one of the historically significant pieces at the museum. In case you didn't know, the Rosetta Stone was found by Napolean Bonapartes troops during their expedition to Egypt in 1799 and proved to be the key to decyphering the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs because it has a decree written in ancient Greek and the same text written in hieroglyphics. I'll stop with the history lesson now lol.
After the British Museum, she heads off to the Tower of London where so many gruesome executions took place. I agree with what Linz says about taking a guided tour of the Tower being best. There is too much history wrapped up in that English icon that will be missed if you don't have someone pointing it out for you.
At about this point, her camera went bonkers on her but she said the rest of her trip was all recorded on one camera, so that should be good.
"Time Traveler" In Charlie Chaplin's The Circus?
I watched it with a certain amount of scepticism, fully expecting it to be totally fake and that I would be able to pull apart any of his arguements, but I can't. I haven't seen the clip in the context of DVD so I can't say if it even includes the said clip. There is the option of buying the set of DVDs but I probably won't. Is it a time traveler? Who can say. Maybe Stephen Hawking or another great brain could offer an opinion (and if Hawking is reading this and contemplating a comment, "Hi Steve!").
The clip seems to be from Charlie Chaplin's 1928 film called "The Circus" which I don't think I've seen. I thought that I had seen just about everything from Chaplin when I was a kid, but the guy did make so many movies back in the day that I may have missed this particular one.
This is really odd footage and seems to be legit, but being no film expert myself, I cannot say for sure. All I could think of when watching it is the show The Fringe with "The Observer" who appears at different times and places at times of monumental consequence. I dunno if a Charlie Chaplin movie premiere would qualify, but who knows.
This is a film clip that will likely be disected in the same way they did with that "alien autopsy" footage several years back.
Do you think it is a man or an old woman? Is it an iPhone (did you make out an apple logo? lol). Or is it just an old loon holding something like a mirror talking to the man who passed before her?
How To Get A Response From A Famous Youtuber
But you get nothing. Nada. More and more comments are piled on the video from other viewers and your brilliant and insightful snippet of text disappears in the sea of comments. This happens time and time again and you begin to think "Oh Justin Bieber, how can you be so unjust?!" Um, I don't think I've ever commented on a Bieber video and I'm just using his name as an example. Really.
Famous Youtubers Are BUSY
Take a look at any video of the most subscribed people on YouTube and you will usually see thousands and thousands of comments. Do you read every one of their comments? Maybe - if you are a little too obsessed, but in all likelihood you don't. Can you imagine what it must be like to post a video on Youtube, get an incredible response and then try to reply to each and every comment?.
Let's say someone like Ray William Johnson started doing that. If he replied to a dozen comments on a video out of the thousands and thousands that are posted, each comment would get several replies from many different viewers all thinking that they have his ear and that they have the chance to ask all those burning questions that they have been dying to ask Ray for months. Multiply that by all the videos Ray has uploaded and you can see the dilemma.
I've heard that Ray does read a lot of his comments and uses several good ones for his Comment Question of the Day but man, there's only so many hours in the day! Ray gets so many comments that if he replied just to those comments that he thought were funny, he wouldn't have time to make and upload videos. Actually Ray is so successful on YouTube he probably has hired a team to review his comments for him (I don't know if this is true or not, but he should consider it lol).
Youtubers IRL
The thing is, people who are famous on YouTube also have real life issues that demand attention. They may have school or work, family, etc and they also have to try to make their way through their own day. They watch their favorite TV shows, movies, play video games, and go potty just like you do. That is something many viewers forget: that the well-known youtuber is a real person with all the demands on their time that we all have to deal with. It's something to keep in mind when leaving a comment.
Are You A Troll?
Not only do youtubers have to deal with the volume of comments they receive, but many also won't (usually) respond to the trolls. There are so many comments that are truly hateful and unmindful of the fact that they are directed to a real person. This is because of the safe anonymity of the Internet and having a user name which allows people to pepper others with abuse from a distance. It is so easy to heap all your frustrations onto someone else on YouTube and that is what many seem to do just for fun.
Also, if you are a female youtuber there's the added component of the crude and immature male of the species. There are many truly beautiful women on YouTube (surprise!) and they always get some absolutely repugnant comments about their appearance or what the commenter would like to do with them. Guys? Having a hard weiner is not the height of romance. Maybe the dudes commenting about their tallywhackers don't get bloodflow to their brains.
There is nothing wrong with talking about sex and sexual topics with female youtubers and women in general, and here's a clue for you horny guys - they like to talk about that stuff too. Only not in an uber-creepy way. Everyone likes a good sex joke, but making random comments about the (alleged) size of your wee-wee and how you will wield such a weapon on the Internet to some girl is just pathetic and sad. And getting back to the topic, the only response you should expect is to get banned.
So, How Do I Get A Response?
Well, try to respond and comment quickly when someone you like posts a video. Not with "First!" Because that is just a brain dead game for people with too much time on their hands. No, say something positive about the video, say something clever or funny. Many youtubers do take a look at the first comments posted because those are usually from their most loyal subs and gives them a look at how the video is being received.
Also, by commenting early and bringing something intelligent to the discussion other viewers might give your witty response to the video a thumbs up and that is something else that the person who posted the video might spot and reply to. Ask them questions and reply to comments left by others. It is all about being active in the mighty community that is YouTube. By being active and always trying to put interesting and provocative comments on videos you can get a reply because you've added to the discussion that the youtuber was hoping to generate when they posted their video in the first place.
Video Responses!
Probably the surest way to grab someone's attention is to attach a video response to one of their videos. Of course this is more work than many are willing to do, but if you want to get noticed, then this is one sure method. Doing a video response to a well-known youtuber can also get you noticed by other youtubers and has the added benefit of maybe generating some new subscribers for yourself if they like your video. It's not all about trying to capture the attention of that one person on YouTube you admire for whatever reason. But - seeing a comment on your video response from, for example, sexphil, ijustine, nigahiga etc is sorta thrilling in it's own right, even if it is a "good job" or "nice video." Something like that can motivate you to make more videos and kickstart your own YouTube ambitions.
Your Personal Experiences With Youtubers
I comment on a lot of videos. Personally, I am subbed to many people - the highest ranking ones and some who have few subs. Actually I recently subbed to someone who has just 7 subscribers and they receive so few comments that they are thrilled when they get a comment - even my mindless drivel. I subbed because the person is talented and I enjoy their videos and that is also why I am subbed to the muckety mucks, the high-flyers, on YouTube.
Basically like many, I am just a fanboy at heart and enjoy watching videos and commenting on them. If I get a reply from someone (high ranking or with just 7 subscribers) it brings a smile to my mug and shouldn't that be why you are commenting in the first place?
I have received replys from popular youtubers to some of my comments which is cool. Others, nothing. "Like who?" you're asking. Well iJustine replied once, Olga Kay, Charles Trippy and several others. Some have actually replied to some of the posts that I have on this blog which is also fun and always surprises me (because I'm thinking "why would you read my lame-ass blog?" lol). Like I said, I am a bit of a fanboy. I do this blog because I enjoy Youtube and the people involved in making videos. I try to let that show in my comments.
My basic advice to get a reply from someone is: be constructive. Bring something to the party. Don't fawn on them or be overly flattering. Try to make them laugh at what you are saying. Be friendly and approachable in your comments. Don't be rude or crude because no one wants to talk to Bob Noxious.
What are your experiences with Youtubers? Have you gotten a reply from someone you like on YouTube?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
CTFxC: At Best Buy Discussing Zombies And Charles Gets A New Canon Camera
It was interesting to see the lecture Alli was attending and her reaction to the religious views of the dude answering questions. I liked that she did say that she was showing the clip not to promote any particular point of view but just to show the happenings on campus.
Lol at Charles for his "With Zombies!" comments regarding the new Mortal Combat (with zombies). He said "there'll be Nickelodeon with zombies and Disney with zombies and Dora The Explorer with zombies... oh wait. I'd like to see that one." He asks which game he should get:
Dead Rising 2
Fallout New Vegas
The new Call of Duty: Black Ops
Which ones do YOU think he should get? Or do you care lol?
Charles also uploaded his Halloween video, so check out: Charles Trippy Says "Real Vampires Don't Sparkle!"
The video starts with Charles showing what YouTube looked like on the wayback machine, 5 years ago. It is surprising how little traffic the website got back then. They are also planning on giving away some Throwboy Pillows, so watch the video for those details.
This video is mostly about Charles testing his new camera, a Canon PowerShot SD3500IS versus the old one they were using, a Canon SD780IS
The new camera looks so much better in the video! Love the depth of field and increased vertical space that shows up with it. The camera has 14 megs and "5x Ultra Wide Angle Optical Image Stabalized Zoom" - which means - lots more of the image can be seen to the sides.
Wise choice in camera equipment Mr Trippy.
Lol at Alli's Crocodile Hunter accent when describing the "Hobbit's Den". I liked the part where she starts talking about Hobbit dung and Charles is "What?!" Yes Charles, your fiancee's an odd girl.
How Do You Win the Throwboy Pillows?
To win, you have to do each of the following:
1) go to Charles' person YouTube channel at CharlesTrippy and subscribe
2) go to Trippy's Facebook page at and click the "like" button.
After you have done both, your username/name is put into the "friends list" and he will randomly select 9 winners on November 3rd. If you want more info about the various pillows, check out
Charles Trippy Says "Real Vampires Don't Sparkle!"
It looks like Charles/Edward scored big time lol. Also, this was filmed by Mr Safety of SMPfilms. The hot girl at the door was ChristaBelle28. Check out her videos! She's got about 38 posted (I liked A Real Woman's Workout).
And don't forget that you can win some Throwboy pillows by subscribing to this channel (which is Charles' personal Youtube channel). After subbing here, go to their Facebook page at Once you're subbed and have "liked" the Facebook page, Charles will randomly pick 9 folks to win the Throwboy pillows. It's that easy.
Babytard! Stop Sucking Your Thumb!
It seems that just about every Shaytards video has Shay telling Babytard to stop sucking her thumb and the video above was uploaded by a Shaytards viewer. Each of the children in the family has their own moments to shine and are little characters in their own right and the children plus their wacky Dad, Shay Carl along with their lovely mother Katilette, also known as Mommytard make up the Shaytards. Their videos also have other members of Shay's family appearing from time to time (I'm a little partial to Shay's cheerleader sister Carlie) and usually shows the family going about their day with the odd trip out of town thrown in.
But one of the favorites of viewers is little Babytard because she is (as her Dad says) PDP - meaning pretty darn precious.
Also, recently Shay mentioned on the vlog that a picture of Babytard being thrown in the air by Shay was going to be used on the cover of a CD. Check this post: Babytard's A Covermodel?! Yup, She's On James Blunt's New CD.
Amy Kuney's New Song "Hope A Little Harder"
I received a friend request on YouTube from her and I always check out the other person's channel to see whether or not I should accept their request and I was very happy to click on her video of this song. I immediately accepted her as a friend and subscribed to her channel. She currently has 17,904 subs and should have more. Her channel states she is an unsigned singer and hopefully if you check out her music and maybe subscribe to her as well, it will help persuade the muckety-mucks in the recording industry that she should get signed!
There are a number of great artists on YouTube with varying levels of success and by subscribing to them you will get some great music and maybe help support a new artist.
Olga Kay Pranks Shane Dawson
The other two girls are Olga's roommate, Nadine and Jess (aka ExoticJess on YouTube) and they've decided to play a song that Shane apparently hates called We No Speak Americano. Just in case you have never seen the video for the song, it is shown below. And pick it up on iTunes.
But that's not all that happened, as later it looks like Shane and Olga plan on pranking Nadine. This video was posted on Shane's iPhone channel so you might want to check that out as well.
DeniseVlogs Asks The Station "What Are You Gonna Be This Halloween?"
Now Denise starts of rough as the first guy has a terrible time with the question. And the mean girl who slams Denise for her fashion sense - I think Denise has nice legs. But she does put her foot in her mouth with the dude planning on being a carny. I was wondering if he was testing his costume out too.
The best was with Joe Felice freaking out about his costume idea (and loved the mean girl from earlier sprinting away when Denise came up to talk to them). And then there was KassemG with a rather unique choice to be "Nice Peter". You'll have to watch the video for that one.
It's The Shay & Malachi Show And Yes, The Shaytards Moved
Shay and Malachi were heading over to the Shaytards old house - yes, they moved awhile back to a new place in their hometown. No, I don't have their mailing address and that's because Shay and Katilette want a certain degree of privacy. That's also why they use the names "Sontard", "Princesstard" etc for their children - I do actually know what their names are, but I won't tell you neener, neener. They want to keep the kids' names private, so until Shay and Mommytard say otherwise, their real names will not be seen on this blog. And you should respect their wishes as good little Shaytards fans.
It was odd seeing the old Shaytards' stomping grounds and I sort of expected to see things like the trampoline in the backyard but they've moved to a newer home.
What do you think of GrandmaTard's new kitten? Gotta say very cute and Malachi was very, very interested in that cat lol. It's funny seeing a huge dog like him sniffing and fussing over a tiny animal like the kitten.
And in case you missed it, take a look at Shay's sunday video where they did their vlog all in one take (hence the name "One Take Sunday") and you can see when Shay received the painting he is raving about in the video above.
And I had to include Katilette's most recent video, where she and the tardlets show the Halloween decorations they bought. She also talks about Halloween traditions that her mom taught her as a little girl.
Wheezy Waiter Is Producing Calcium Deficient Clones!
I don't know it is simply a matter of being calcium deficient that could cause a clone's hand to fall off, but it may be that Wheezy's clone making needs an upgrade. Why I was just reading in Clone Makers Monthly (that's a magazine for clone making aficionados, but you've probably never heard of it) that with a few tweaks, problems like Wheezy's calcium deficient clone can be lessened. But there is the unfortunate possibility of zombie mutant clones, so it is a bit of a wash.
Wheezy also shows why it became suddenly dark outside his window using one of his many satellite cameras he has placed around the earth that picks up the odd UFO. I love the detail of how he can get an extreme close-up of his face. Wheezy actually uses these multiple satellite cameras to track the whereabouts of Scarlett Johannson on a daily basis (If you're reading this Scarlett, hey baby).
Unfortunately there will be no video from Wheezy for tomorrow, so no Explosion Wednesday, so you'll have to make your own explosions. But at least you have a handstand video to tide you over:
In case you don't know, Wheezy based his opening on a video by Toby Turner aka Tobuscus, but you would already know that if you had watched the handstand video. And sub to Tobuscus while you're at it! He's another good youtuber making funny stuff. I think we need to see some Toby Turner videos on this blog!
"Darkness, then redness, then whiteness!"
Sxephil's Latest Make-Over
I wasn't too keen on his previous video when he wore the glasses (I got a weird Michael Buckley-esque vibe lol) and he had a bit of a Max Headroom thing (going way back for that reference), but I like the new look.
If you are one of the over 1.3 million subscribers to Phil's main channel, what do you think of the new look to the show?
AngryAussie On How To Make It Big On YouTube
The first part of this video is about his visit to England and some of his experiences over there as well as announcing a second channel he is setting up - sort of an "AngryAussie-Lite" where he is "a little less angry" lol. A lot of the allure of his main channel is that he slams those who exhibit stupidity in all it's forms, politically, in comments and life in general as he sees it. Most of his videos are not this long, it's just that he had a lot of information to cover on this one.
The description he attached to the video says it all: "Hint one: if you can't sit through this video for the advice, you don't deserve to be big on YouTube. Because you have to work at it. If you don't have that dedication, you aren't going to make it big."
It is the 2nd half of the video where he goes into detail about the work needed for any sort of success on YouTube, be it moving from 0-100 subscribers, to how to handle any and all criticism - there will be criticism good and bad. You need to interact with your proposed audience with better content as well as in comments - and in real life. AngryAussie, like many youtubers, goes to large and small Youtube events and gatherings and meets his audience as well. The amount of fame and fortune that you will get from YouTube (and elsewhere, for that matter) will be directly proportionate to what you put into it.
During the video he also mentions that he quit his job and is trying to make YouTube his livelihood. Check out this post I wrote back in July when he posted that video: AngryAussie Quits His Job & Makes YouTube His Day Job.
AngryAussie currently has 23,161 devoted subscribers (and I'm one of them). Get past the angriness and you will see that he makes valid points. Most of his anger is directed to life's idiots and his advice boiled down is - DON'T BE ONE.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Lady Gaga's Videos On Youtube Have Been Viewed By One Billion People
This figure of her total views is not for one single video, although her video for Bad Romance has almost 300 million views alone. For those of you having lived under a rock, here's the song:
Even if you were living under a rock you probably have seen parts of this video at one time or another. There's no escape from that song - "Ra, ra, uh, uh, uh... Rum-a rum-a-a", that lyric is somehow stuck in my own noggin.
Her second most watched Youtube viedo is for the song Just Dance (featuring Colby O'Donis) with an equally impressive 124 million views.
Although she has the most overall views, Lady Gaga pales in comparisons to Justin Bieber's Baby, which featured Ludacris and has racked up 367 million views. Bieber actually is close to the billion views mark on Youtube with 967 million views (with half of those by my nieces I think).
To go along with the YouTube crown, she is the only person (so far) to break the 20 million mark on her fan page on Facebook. Plus her reach is extended even more as Ga-Ga surpassed Britney Spears for top spot on Twitter this last August as the most followed person over there. Her account is @Ladygaga and she has 6,903,182 (as of October 26, 2010) people following her every utterance in 140 characters or less. And yes, even I am following her on Twitter (how did that happen?!).
Where else can she go and dominate? I wonder if she's on DailyBooth yet?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Updated List Of The Top 100 UK Youtubers
There's been quite a bit of movement in the list with some new channels coming onto the list and others slipping off. Like I always point out with these things, you shouldn't only look at the top 10 most subscribed and screw the rest - there's a LOT of great channels farther down the list and more importantly, many, many who just don't have enough subs to get on this list, but that does not mean they should be ignored by you or me.
If you go to any channel on this list they will usually have links to other channels that you should take a look at. Creep around a bit - if you see a link to someone's channel with an interesting name or thumbnail, click on it and see what they're all about! Check out the channels of people who are commenting on the people you like. You never know what you will find.
Here is the list of those UK YouTube channels with the highest number of subscribers. Leading the way is Charlie McDonnell with his charlieissocoollike of course. Actually, the first 4 are all on the worldwide Top 100 Most Subscribed List.
First, here's the Top 10 Most Subscribed In The United Kingdom:
1. charlieissocoollike - Charlie McDonnell is still the most highly subscribeed Youtuber in the United Kingdom and increasing his lead over 2nd place Lindy Tsang aka bubzbeauty who added another 70,000-plus subscribers since late July 2010. McDonnell's channel was at 498K when I last updated this list in July 2010 and has added another 123K. He might be the first UK youtuber to hit a million subs, but that's still in the distance. There's a couple of posts on Bradshaw's Blog about Charlie/Alex Day/Tom Milsom/Eddplant and their band Sons of Admirals if you want to take a look.
2. bubzbeauty - This would be Lindy and she is now the 2nd most subbed UK youtuber and also the most followed makeup guru. She just zipped past 400K subs on her main channel and has a further 183K on her 2nd channel called bubbiosity where she does random skits and vlogs.
3. panacea81 - Lauren Luke is one of the top make-up gurus from the UK and has a book out called Lauren Luke
4. TopGear - TopGear is all about cars, motorcycles and the like. Besides their popular YouTube channel, you can find more about them at their website
5. simonscat - Simple animation about a man (Simon) and his mischievous cat. Good news is that there's some new videos just recently uploaded! You can also visit the website There's also the book, Simon's Cat
6. miaarose - Lovely Mia Rose has 52 videos posted where she sings and plays guitar. On her most recent video she sings Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream."
7. nerimon - Alex Day's vlog. He is in with Charlie McDonnell on another channel, but this is where Alex gets to ramble on about his life. I subbed awhile back and have yet to plow through all 100-plus of Alex's videos, but will do so and post a review of his channel.
8. BBCWorldwide - From the national television we have BBCWorldwide which currently has about 4788 various videos uploaded from different TV shows. Everything from Fawlty Towers
9. eddsworld - Up one spot is Edd with his odd animation series "eddsworld." Edd is the creator and only animator and has his friends voice various characters (usually with the same name as his friends). Currently has 62 videos uploaded. More than worth a look.
10. THEMIDNIGHTBEAST - Stefan Abingdon, Dru Wakely and Ashley Neil Horne make up the group that says "We mock the living hell out of stuff for a living." Haven't been able to get past their latest video called "Daddy" but plan to review them as well. They just got their 200,000th sub, raising the bar for all trying get into the top 10 and are currently sitting at 202,248 for 10th spot on the Top 100 Youtubers in the United Kingdom.
That's the Top 10 for the United Kingdom, but there are a LOT of other equally good or better channels the further down the list.
11 To 25 Most Subscribed In United Kingdom
11. bubbiosity
12. muse
13. pixiwoo
14. HazardCinema
15. TheXFactorUK
16. TotalHalibut
17. mrweebl
19. AmazingPhil
20. patcondell
21. lollipop26
22. sosolid2kk
23. UKFDubstep
24. leonalewis
25. BBC
The biggest increase in sheer numbers was by the gamer channel TotalHalibut. They had 39,417 subs good enough for 98th place last July, but they've been on fire since then, and now have 148,314 subscribers and sit at number 16 on the list. That is quite a jump! Another channel that's really moving is UKFDubstep who went from 63,088 subscribers to 123,337 to move from number 52 to 23. Do you watch any of their videos? Let me know in the comments.
26 To 50 Most Subscribed In the United Kingdom
26. mememolly
27. TheMoodieSwede
28. parlophone
29. Scoutthedoggie
30. VideoJug
31. ZerkaaHD
32. JustinSandercoe
34. ashens
35. TomSka
36. lifeinaday
38. NufffRespect
39. Doki66
41. Pyropuncher
43. cyriak
44. SmallishBeans
45. PS3Comedy
46. ColdplayTV
47. UKFDrumandBass
48. HarryPartridge
50. futureshorts
In the 26-50 Most Subscribed U.K. List, there's several that I plan on taking a closer look at. There some that have made some big jumps as far as increasing their subscriber base like Foxylocksextensions. Granted hair extensions probably won't enhance my own look, but it looks like that channel is becoming popular. I'll probably pass on subbing even though Imogen is exheedingly easy on the eyes. And I still like Harry Partridge's stuff.
51 To 75 Most Subscribed In the United Kingdom
51. MrBean
52. TheRealParis
53. hexachordal
54. katem3
56. damienwalters
57. Katers17
58. SAM5000i
59. Paperlilies
60. SteveAATW
61. QuantumDNB
62. bexboop878
63. 4oDComedy
64. bullettv
65. Dinozambas
67. anafree
68. GUN1T123
69. silentc0re
70. Thereaper123666 ~ NEW!
71. queenofficial
72. Jacqueline92
73. islandrecords
74. RuneScape
75. whataboutadam
There's some new channels in the 50-75 group, namely Thereaper123666 with Ash who is a girl gamer. Also I subbed to Jacqueline92 even though she hasn't posted anything in 7 months because I play guitar (actually I OWN some guitars that sit forlornly behind me as I type this). I just watched a couple of Jacqueline's videos because she's a good guitarist and I'm a bad one and maybe I can pick up a tip or two. Sure wish she would start posting again. If you know her or are subbed to her channel, give her a kick in the pants and tell her to get posting! She's slipped to the 72nd spot on the Top 100 and could get much higher if she posted regularly.
76 To 100 Most Subscribed In the United Kingdom
76. timwestwoodtv
77. JohnnyDurham19
78. theunforgiving
79. geriatric1927
80. BBCEarth
82. ellaskins
83. EastEnders
84. channel4
85. lilhagan
86. littleloca
87. itn
88. pixi2woo ~ NEW!
89. madbaddog05
90. diagonaluk
91. eaglerocktv
92. FuZioNHD ~ NEW!
93. ProdigyChannel
94. SWalkerMakeup ~ NEW!
95. danisnotonfire ~ NEW!
96. assassinscreedUK
97. polydor
98. glyphmedia
99. TheTingTingsTV
100. fiveawesomeguys
That is the list for the United Kingdom as of October 25, 2010. I'll make sure I get it updated each month and posted on Bradshaw's Blog. I mentioned when I did the list last July that there seems to be few actual vlogs in the United Kingdom and would like to see some more of those. There's tons of great channels that do skits, music, makeup etc., but you might be able to really stand out if you considered trying your hand at just yapping at the camera. Don't think I'm criticizing in a negative way - I love what I am seeing on the UK channels and they need more play over on this side of the Atlantic.
When I did the last list in July 2010, it took 40,000 subscribers to break into the Top 100 and here it is only three months later and fiveawesomeguys is number 100 with 44,850 so you can see an overall increase in the subscriber bases of those on the list. Perhaps when I do this list again towards the end of November I will also show what each channel had as far as subscribers the month before.
Is there anything else you would like to see? I'm writing another post in a few days showing the top youtubers in Ireland and I will be doing a similar post updating the Top 100 Canadian youtubers.